
The projects currently supported by the Redel Foundation lie at the heart of what we do. They are a testament to the work we carry out and drive our passion for helping people

Take a look at the projects we are currently involved in. We hope we can inspire you to explore your passion and support the Redel Foundation with a donation.

Tafel Baden-Baden

Vehicle for the food bank (Tafel) in Baden-Baden

The food bank (Tafel) in Baden-Baden is struggling to cope with a sudden surge in demand. The waiting time for food bank eligibility is currently more than three months, with a waiting list of 200–250 people.
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Nothilfe für kriegsbetroffene Bevölkerung in der Ukraine

Emergency aid for those affected by war

Okhmatdyt hospital in Kyiv is the largest medical facility in Ukraine specialising in the treatment of children. It provides a wide range of medical services, including surgery, cancer treatment, intensive care and organ transplants. Besides the 18,000 children treated annually at the 720-bed hospital, about 20,000 children receive emergency care in its trauma centre.
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Palästina: Nothilfe in Gaza

Emergency aid in the Gaza Strip

The conflict between Hamas and Israel has triggered a severe humanitarian crisis. 2.2 million people in the Gaza Strip are currently facing extreme hardship. 1.9 million children, women and men have been forced to leave their homes and urgently need assistance.
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Ernährungssicherung infolge Dürre in Äthiopien

Food security in the aftermath of drought

Droughts and widespread flooding are regular occurrences in Eastern Ethiopia. Such extreme weather events are also on the rise. These lead to failed harvests and the loss of livestock. Those who live from agriculture and cattle farming are no longer able to stockpile supplies to survive the next drought like they once could.
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Inclusion of children with and without disability

Guinea-Bissau is one of the poorest countries in the world (ranked 174 out of 189 in HDI 2022). Those particularly affected by the unfavourable living conditions are children with physical or intellectual disabilities. Many disabled children are killed or abandoned when they fail to meet the traditional expectations of a newborn.
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Emergency aid for families and (school) children

Mali is a country in crisis: civil wars waged by radical Islamic terrorists, climate crises involving drought, flooding and locust plagues. More than 350,000 people have been displaced within the country to date and are living in emergency accommodation, with no way of supporting themselves. The children, in particular, are suffering from malnutrition and undernourishment.
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A better future for street children

Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. With extreme poverty and high unemployment in the rural regions, along with an increasing number of natural disasters due to climate change, many families are migrating to the larger cities in the hope of creating a better future there.
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