
Our passion for helping people: Projects of the Redel Foundation

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We provide assistance across the world, irrespective of borders, ideologies or time zones. The Redel Foundation is always there where long-term aid is required and mostly in places the cameras no longer visit.

Over the years, the Redel Foundation has supported almost 100 aid projects in the region of Baden-Baden and around the world.

The foundation has been supporting aid projects around the world since 1988, including the region of Baden-Baden in Germany. The funds are largely used for helping people in need, particularly those who find themselves in social and humanitarian emergencies due to disaster.

Together with the team from Cesra, we are also expanding our commitment to supporting regional aid projects.

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Projects of the Redel Foundation

Tafel Baden-Baden

Vehicle for the food bank (Tafel) in Baden-Baden

The food bank (Tafel) in Baden-Baden is struggling to cope with a sudden surge in demand. The waiting time for food bank eligibility is currently more than three months, with a waiting list of 200–250 people.
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Nothilfe für kriegsbetroffene Bevölkerung in der Ukraine

Emergency aid for those affected by war

Okhmatdyt hospital in Kyiv is the largest medical facility in Ukraine specialising in the treatment of children. It provides a wide range of medical services, including surgery, cancer treatment, intensive care and organ transplants. Besides the 18,000 children treated annually at the 720-bed hospital, about 20,000 children receive emergency care in its trauma centre.
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Palästina: Nothilfe in Gaza

Emergency aid in the Gaza Strip

The conflict between Hamas and Israel has triggered a severe humanitarian crisis. 2.2 million people in the Gaza Strip are currently facing extreme hardship. 1.9 million children, women and men have been forced to leave their homes and urgently need assistance.
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Ernährungssicherung infolge Dürre in Äthiopien

Food security in the aftermath of drought

Droughts and widespread flooding are regular occurrences in Eastern Ethiopia. Such extreme weather events are also on the rise. These lead to failed harvests and the loss of livestock. Those who live from agriculture and cattle farming are no longer able to stockpile supplies to survive the next drought like they once could.
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Inclusion of children with and without disability

Guinea-Bissau is one of the poorest countries in the world (ranked 174 out of 189 in HDI 2022). Those particularly affected by the unfavourable living conditions are children with physical or intellectual disabilities. Many disabled children are killed or abandoned when they fail to meet the traditional expectations of a newborn.
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Emergency aid for families and (school) children

Mali is a country in crisis: civil wars waged by radical Islamic terrorists, climate crises involving drought, flooding and locust plagues. More than 350,000 people have been displaced within the country to date and are living in emergency accommodation, with no way of supporting themselves. The children, in particular, are suffering from malnutrition and undernourishment.
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A better future for street children

Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. With extreme poverty and high unemployment in the rural regions, along with an increasing number of natural disasters due to climate change, many families are migrating to the larger cities in the hope of creating a better future there.
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Employment for people with disability

People with physical or mental disabilities are not integrated well into Georgian society. They receive virtually no state support and occupational therapy services, such as sheltered workshops, are seldom provided. This project aims to support employment opportunities for people with disabilities in Tbilisi and the villages of Nasaguri and Tsinubani.
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Support for refugees on Lesbos

Geographically located at the edge of Europe and bordering the Mediterranean Sea, Greece is receiving a larger share of asylum seekers and migrants. At the end of 2022, the UN refugee organisation registered 147,000 refugees and 22,000 asylum seekers. Making their way to Lesbos by land and sea, they have largely come from Palestine, Afghanistan, Syria and Somalia.
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Emergency aid for displaced persons in the northwest region of the country

According to information from the United Nations, in June 2022 there were around 580,000 people fleeing conflict within Cameroon. The repression of the central government, coupled with the rebel attacks, has seen an increasing number of people flee to the more remote regions. The northern part of Anglophone Cameroon, the North West Region, has been particularly badly affected, with around 280,000 people internally displaced. The region is largely inaccessible due to the conflicts, infrastructure has been heavily neglected by the government and the people are reliant on food aid as a result.
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Emergency aid for victims of the violent conflicts

For years, conflict between government troops and rebel militia has destroyed the lives of the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Various militia groups have either been fighting each other or the Congolese army, often for access to valuable raw materials. As a result, this country has the largest number of internally displaced persons in Africa. According to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, there are 5.9 million people on the run. The situation has become particularly bad in recent months with the number of refugees rising sharply; 600,000 in Goma alone.
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Training and vocational support for young people with disabilities

In Egypt, people with disabilities find themselves excluded from society and disadvantaged in a number of ways. Even more so when they come from poor families. Despite the introduction of a very progressive legislation to the benefit of those with disability, disabled people are still experiencing discrimination on a daily basis and are often excluded from education, training, work life and social activities.
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Combating domestic violence

The social and economic living conditions of the Palestinian population in the West Bank are shaped by decades of occupation, poverty, unemployment and deprivation. One consequence of this is the high prevalence of domestic violence. Women and mothers bear the brunt of everyday life. However, they often pass on their frustration and experience of violence resulting from overwork to their own children, who then become aggressive or react with school failure and behavioral problems. The situation has been made even worse in recent years by the corona pandemic.
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Emergency aid for those affected by drought

Decade-long conflict, the effects of climate change with periodic drought and flooding, as well as a locust plague, have led to a massive economic downturn in Somalia. A shortage of food and higher prices due to the war in Ukraine have only further exacerbated the situation.
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Supporting the “AusWegweiser” volunteer project

The “AusWegweiser” project is aimed at young people and young adults who often spend time in urban emergency accommodation. These young people are an average of 21 years old. The average length of stay in this type of accommodation for people under 25 is currently 7.8 months.
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Emergency funds for socially disadvantaged families

The aim is to provide unbureaucratic, short-term support to families or individuals living in Baden-Baden, particularly those with a migration background or who have had to flee their home country and who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in acute financial difficulty.
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Advice and support services for refugees in Baden-Baden

For over 20 years, the district of Briegelacker has been at the heart of the multicultural “Briegelackerstraße” neighbourhood. It is a place of refuge for many children, young people and families from the community. The main goal of the work carried out here is their integration.
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Schools for displaced children and young people

The Boko Haram terror group was founded in northern Nigeria around 2004 and since 2010 has been responsible for multiple attacks, primarily in the province of Bornu in the north east of the country, as well as bordering regions in western Chad and in northern Cameroon. On the whole, the crisis has led to the displacement of more than two million people.
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Safety measures for migrant women

Lebanon is a popular destination for Asian and African migrant workers looking for work and a better future. The number of migrant workers has risen steadily in recent years, with Lebanon estimated to have more than 250,000 domestic workers.
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Support for disadvantaged children and young people

The district of Santa Fé at the heart of Bogotá in Columbia is marred by drug trafficking, addiction problems, prostitution, social exclusion and a very high level of domestic violence.
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Support for families returning from the Central African Republic

As a result of the civil war raging in the Central African Republic (CAR) since December 2013, many inhabitants of the country whose parents and grandparents had immigrated from Chad were threatened and broadly stigmatised as “Chadians”, due to the direct or indirect involvement of Chad in the conflicts in CAR.
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€50,000 for those affected by the flood disaster

The Redel Foundation has donated €50,000 to benefit those people affected by the flood disaster. At the same time, the management and employees at Cesra Arzneimittel, a company closely affiliated with the Redel Foundation, have appealed for donations to aid the victims of the flooding.
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Protection and education for children and young people affected by conflict

Sudan was once the largest country in Africa. The smaller part of this country, South Sudan, is still almost twice as big as Germany. Since gaining its independence in 2011, the youngest state in Africa is now trying to find its identity. A relentless civil war waged from 2013 to 2018. Despite the peace treaty signed in February 2020, the armed conflict continues and is forcing many people to flee.
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Emergency aid for internally displaced persons

According to the Human Development Index 2019, the Central African Republic (CAR) is the second poorest country and one of the six most fragile states in the world. The country has struggled to find peace since the outbreak of the civil war in 2013. According to the United Nations, 2.6 million people, out of a total population of approx. 4.6 million people, are dependent on humanitarian aid. There are also around 1.2 million people displaced.
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Support for children with disabilities in Homs

The effects of the civil war raging for years in Syria can be seen and felt across the country. The economic and humanitarian situation deteriorated significantly once again for many people in 2020. In addition to the loss of income opportunities, COVID-19 prevention measures have had a drastic social impact, affecting the weak and vulnerable sections of the population in particular. This includes those families caring for disabled children.
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Nigeria, PCE International
HIV information centres in Enugu and Abuja
Indonesia, Caritas international
Supporting people with disabilities on the island of Flores
Ms Sabine Eichner, Baden-Baden
Learning support
Nicaragua: Special needs school in León
Repair of the school roof
Nigeria, PCE International
Hospital in Abuja
Nigeria, PCE International
HIV information centres in Enugu and Abuja
Jordan, Caritas international
Winter emergency aid for Syrian refugees
Indonesia, Caritas international
Supporting people with disabilities on the island of Flores
Tanzania, Caritas international
Vocational training for girls living on the streets
Cath. Pastoral Unit in Baden-Baden
Support for the “72-hour Initiative”
ARCO IRIS Foundation, La Paz, Bolivia
Support for the project “Teaching and support of young homeless people”
Augusta Sibylla School, Rastatt
Finance for the project “Therapeutic riding and interaction with horses”
Caritas Association Baden-Baden e. V., Assistance to the Homeless
Travel ticket subsidy for homeless volunteers, lockers for homeless people, investment in a social fund
Pestalozzi School Rastatt (special needs school for people with an intellectual disability)
Funding the participation of the basketball project group in the “NRW Special Olympics Basketball Tournament”
Peoples’ Creative Empowerment International, HIV/AIDS information centre in Abuja/Nigeria,
second instalment
Hedwig Kindergarten and Educational Centre, Berlin
Funding provided for roof renovations
Further support and development of the “Valentine Fever” initiative for HIV/AIDS prevention in Abuja, Nigeria
Vincentiushaus care home, Baden-Baden
Funding provided for computer system
Special needs school in León, Nicaragua
Funding provided for reconstruction of the school roof
Catholic Women’s Welfare Service, Baden-Baden
Funding provided for a computer system
The Light Hospital and Maternity, Nigeria
Upgrading a clinic in the village of Egudene to hospital status. Payment of fifth and sixth instalment.
Lebenshilfe BBA e. V., Bühl
Funding provided for the procurement of a vehicle
Kinderwerk Lima e. V., Heidenheim
Funding provided for new aid concept to provide children with food
Further support and development of the “Valentine Fever” initiative for HIV/AIDS prevention in Abuja, Nigeria
Donation to the “ARCO IRIS Foundation” in La Paz, Bolivia (supporting street children)
Augusta Sibylla School, Rastatt
Funding provided for additional school social services
Peoples’ Creative Empowerment International
Setting up a HIV/AIDS information centre in Abuja/Nigeria
ASM – Active self-help group “Together”, Nagold
Funding of a new 9-seater bus
Kinderwerk Lima, Heidenheim
Preventive healthcare programme, participation made possible for 3,000 children
Further support and development of the “Valentine Fever” initiative for HIV/AIDS prevention in Abuja, Nigeria
The Light Hospital and Maternity, Nigeria
Upgrading a clinic in the village of Egudene to hospital statusPayment of second, third and fourth instalment
Donation to “humedica” aid organisation for their project to build wells in the rural communities of Ethiopia.
The Light Hospital and Maternity, Nigeria
Upgrading a clinic in the village of Egudene to hospital status. Payment of first instalment.
ASM – Active self-help group “Together”, Nagold
Grant to finance the position of a driver for the transport of people with disability and funding for a trailer to transport equipment for blind dog demonstrations
Caritas Association Baden-Baden, Assistance to the Homeless
Contribution toward transport vehicle
Association of the Women’s and Children’s Shelter in Baden-Baden/Rastatt
Donation to ensure the provision of follow-up care
Support association of the Augusta Sibylla School
Funding of school’s social services
Continued support of the “Valentine Fever” project in Nigeria
Start of support for “Valentine Fever” initiative for HIV/Aids prevention, 
Abuja, Nigeria
The Light Hospital and Maternity, Enugu, Nigeria
Nur Avicenum Hospital, Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan
Donation to the “Ginkgo Tour” for the support of children with cancer
Action Myanmar, Myanmar
(from 2006)
Donation to Villa Belgrano youth club, Argentina
San Martín first-aid centre, Piura, Peru
(from 2003)
Partnership with Parroquia San Miguel Arcángel, Acobamba-Tarma, Peru
Antakalnio Hospital, Vilnius, Lithuania
Red Cross Hospital in Klaipėda , Lithuania
Ora e. V. “Pharmacy for the Poor”, Gheorgheni, Romania (from 2001)
Children’s hospital and orphanage in Făget, Romania
Hospital in Skuodas, Lithuania (from 2001)
Emergency aid programme in North Korea
Romania Aid Straubing – Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania
Ora e. V. Medicine for Romania and Lithuania (from 1999)
Freundeskreis Indien: Hospital aid project in Tiruvannamalai, India
Caritas, Medical aid for the Pazardzhik region, Bulgaria
Distribution of medical aid to hospital in Chernigov and Caritas Lviv, Ukraine
Caritas, medical aid for Belarus
Hospitals II Clinics Ligonide and Kaunu Medicinos Centras, Kaunas, Lithuania
Caritas, Olovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Guangdong Yue He People’s Hospital, Hong Kong
Caritas, distribution of medical aid, Romania
Support of disadvantaged children and their parents, as well as patients at the Health Center, Dhibin, Yemen
Caritas, Timişoara, Romania
Boarding school for children, Kaunas, Lithuania
Caritas, Zagreb, support for refugees and displaced persons in Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina
St. Spiridon Hospital, Iaşi, Romania
Children’s Fund “Fundación por los niños del Peru”, Lima, Peru
Project for the prevention of cholera, Cuzco, Peru
Soviet Union relief initiative, Tallinn, Estonia

Nigeria, PCE International
HIV information centres in Enugu and Abuja

Indonesia, Caritas international
Supporting people with disabilities on the island of Flores

Ms Sabine Eichner, Baden-Baden
Learning support

Nicaragua: Special needs school in León
Repair of the school roof

Nigeria, PCE International
Hospital in Abuja

Nigeria, PCE International
HIV information centres in Enugu and Abuja

Indonesia, Caritas international
Supporting people with disabilities on the island of Flores

Jordan, Caritas international
Winter emergency relief for Syrian refugees

Tanzania, Caritas international
Vocational training for girls living on the streets

Cath. Pastoral Unit in Baden-Baden
Supporting the “72-hour initiative”

ARCO IRIS Foundation, La Paz, Bolivia
Supporting the project “Teaching and support of young homeless people”

Augusta Sibylla School, Rastatt
Financing the project “Therapeutic riding and interaction with horses”

Caritas Association Baden-Baden e. V., Assistance to the Homeless
Travel ticket subsidy for homeless volunteers,
lockers for homeless people,
investment in a social fund

Pestalozzi School Rastatt (special needs school for people with an intellectual disability)
Funding the participation of the basketball project group in the “NRW Special Olympics Basketball Tournament”

Peoples’ Creative Empowerment International
HIV/AIDS information centre in Abuja/Nigeria,
second instalment

Hedwig Kindergarten and Educational Centre, Berlin
Funding provided for roof renovations

Further support and development of the “Valentine Fever” initiative for HIV/AIDS prevention in Abuja, Nigeria

Vincentiushaus care home, Baden-Baden
Funding provided for computer system

Special needs school in León, Nicaragua
Funding provided for reconstruction of the school roof

Catholic Women’s Welfare Service, Baden-Baden
Funding provided for a computer system

The Light Hospital and Maternity, Nigeria
Upgrading a clinic in the village of Egudene to hospital status
Payment of fifth and sixth instalment

Lebenshilfe BBA e. V., Bühl
Funding provided for the procurement of a vehicle

Kinderwerk Lima e. V., Heidenheim
Funding provided for new aid concept to provide children with food

Further support and development of the “Valentine Fever” initiative for HIV/AIDS prevention in Abuja, Nigeria

Donation to the “ARCO IRIS Foundation” in La Paz, Bolivia (supporting street children)

Augusta Sibylla School, Rastatt
Funding provided for additional school social services

Peoples’ Creative Empowerment International
Setting up a HIV/AIDS information centre in Abuja/Nigeria

ASM – Active self-help group “Together”, Nagold
Funding of a new 9-seater bus

Kinderwerk Lima, Heidenhaim
Preventive healthcare programme,
participation made possible for 3,000 children

Further support and development of the “Valentine Fever” initiative for HIV/AIDS prevention in Abuja, Nigeria

The Light Hospital and Maternity, Nigeria
Upgrading a clinic in the village of Egudene to hospital status
Payment of second, third and fourth instalment

Donation to “humedica” aid organisation for their project to build wells in the rural communities of Ethiopia.

The Light Hospital and Maternity, Nigeria
Upgrading a clinic in the village of Egudene to hospital status
Payment of first instalment

ASM – Active self-help group “Together”, Nagold
Grant to finance the position of a driver for the transport of people with disability and funding for a trailer to transport equipment for blind dog demonstrations

Caritas Association Baden-Baden e. V., Assistance to the Homeless
Contribution toward transport vehicle

Association of the Women’s and Children’s Shelter in Baden-Baden/Rastatt
Donation to ensure the provision of follow-up care

Support association of the Augusta Sibylla School
Funding of school’s social services

Continued support of the “Valentine Fever” project in Nigeria

Start of support for “Valentine Fever” initiative for HIV/Aids prevention, 
Abuja, Nigeria

The Light Hospital and Maternity, Enugu, Nigeria

Nur Avicenum Hospital, Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan

Donation to the “Ginkgo Tour” for the support of children with cancer

Action Myanmar, Myanmar (from 2006)

Donation to Villa Belgrano youth club, Argentina

San Martín first-aid centre, Piura, Peru (from 2003)

Partnership with Parroquia San Miguel Arcángel, Acobamba-Tarma, Peru

Antakalnio Hospital, Vilnius, Lithuania

Red Cross Hospital in Klaipėda, Lithuania

Ora e. V. “Pharmacy for the Poor”, Gheorgheni, Romania (from 2001)

Children’s hospital and orphanage in Făget, Romania

Hospital in Skuodas, Lithuania (from 2001)

Emergency aid programme in North Korea

Romania Aid Straubing – Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania

Ora e. V. Medicine for Romania and Lithuania (from 1999)

Freundeskreis Indien: Hospital aid project in Tiruvannamalai, India

Caritas, Medical aid for the Pazardzhik region, Bulgaria

Distribution of medical aid to hospital in Chernigov and Caritas Lviv, Ukraine

Caritas, medical aid for Belarus

Hospitals II Clinics Ligonide and Kaunu Medicinos Centras, Kaunas, Lithuania

Caritas, Olovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Guangdong Yue He People’s Hospital, Hong Kong

Caritas, distribution of medical aid, Romania

Support of disadvantaged children and their parents, as well as patients at the Health Center, Dhibin, Yemen

Caritas, Timişoara, Romania

Boarding school for children, Kaunas, Lithuania

Caritas, Zagreb, support for refugees and displaced persons in Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina

St. Spiridon Hospital, Iaşi, Romania

Children’s Fund “Fundación por los niños del Peru”, Lima, Peru

Project for the prevention of cholera, Cuzco, Peru

Soviet Union relief initiative, Tallinn, Estonia

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